Why Technical Control Centers need to contribute to Smart Airport Operations

Three major factors that require airport operators to constantly examine and optimize their technical departments for operational success and why you should take on these challenges at your technical control center.
Technical Control Centers need to contribute to Smart Airport Operations!

Die Einführung einer digitalisierten Fahrkartenkontrolle realisierte eine nie zuvor erreichte Kundenzufriedenheit

Einleitung: Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen stehen permanent unter dem Druck die Attraktivität für den Gast zu steigern und gleichzeitig das Personal effizienter an Bord einzusetzen. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Digitalisierung der Fahrkartenkontrolle durch einen der größten Verkehrsdienstleister initiiert. M2P wurde in diesem Zusammenhang für die Produktionseinführung der digitalisierten Fahrkartenkontrolle beauftragt. Damit trugen unsere Berater die Verantwortung, das […]

How to Avoid Project Failures – Risks and Success Factors of IT-Projects

Risks and Success Factors of IT Projects According to a survey conducted by Standish Group, 70% of IT projects fail to deliver satisfactory results from an end-user perspective. Projects either fail completely or cannot deliver results within the time or budget. The risk of project failure increases disproportionally to project size. The direct and indirect […]

M2P Two-Time Winner of the “Best of Consulting 2019” Award

The 10th annual “WiWO Best of Consulting” award ceremony last week, held by Germany’s major business weekly “Wirtschaftswoche”, saw numerous major consulting companies throughout Germany compete for “Best of Consulting” awards. A jury of highly respected experts scrutinized and assessed over 100 applications to identify the top-performing projects of 2019 across eight categories including strategy, […]

Could COVID-19 Give Biometrics the All-Clear?

Could COVID-19 Give Biometrics the All-Clear? Over the past few uncertain months, aviation leaders have been diligently working to mitigate the risks presented to their employees, passengers, and shareholders by COVID-19. In lieu of definitive and specific long-term guidance from government authorities, leaders have been racing to identify and evaluate the right technology, procedural changes, […]

How does Video Analytics Help Airports to Implement COVID-19 Hygiene Regulations?

Introduction For several month the COVID-19 outbreak has limited public and professional life globally. Air travel and tourism have been especially impacted by a wave of measures designed to prevent the spread of the virus. As the peak is past and the lockdown is being lifted, public life in most European countries is coming back. […]

Biometric Data Challenge

Is Blockchain a Match for Biometrics’ Data Challenge?

Introduction Technology enthusiasts are eager to see biometric technologies become the norm in identity verification, as are public and private sector leaders who are focused on protecting societies and maximizing financial bottom-lines. But while biometrics have proven their ability to enhance safety, security, efficiency, and revenue, a major hurdle continues to stand in the way; […]

Innovation und Technologie im SPNV sparen Kosten und steigern die Sicherheit

Einleitung: Eine hohe Sicherheit und Kundenzufriedenheit gehört zu den wichtigsten Zielen der öffentlichen Verkehrsbetreiber. Durch unterschiedliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen können diese Ziele erreicht werden. Eines der Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ist die Videoüberwachung, die sowohl zur Abschreckung als auch zur Nachverfolgung von Straftaten und sonstigen Sicherheitsvorfällen dient. Unser Kunde, eines der größten Verkehrsverbunde Europas mit über 1 Mrd. Fahrgäste pro Jahr, […]


How do Technical Innovations Increase Access Control Systems Efficiency?

Access Control Systems (ACS) play a key role in regulating who gains access to secure buildings as well as high security areas such as airports, hospitals, universities, and production plants.

Commissioning Airport IT – What to consider?

It is not uncommon for airport projects to be delayed or launched with outstanding issues and flaws, but this doesn’t have to be the case.