Metropole Insights Frankfurt: Die Zukunft des Flughafens (German) (Deutsch)
Wer Frankfurt kennt, weiß: Diese Stadt wandelt sich kontinuierlich – Gilt das auch für den Flughafen? Der Flughafen Frankfurt am Main ist der größte deutsche Verkehrsflughafen. Gemessen am Fluggastaufkommen war er 2017 nach London-Heathrow, Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle und Amsterdam Schiphol der viertgrößte europäische Flughafen und liegt im weltweiten Vergleich auf dem 14. Rang. Doch wie kann ein […]
M2P Speaks About “The Future of Disruption Management Solutions”
This years AGIFORS Airline Operations 2020 Study Group Meeting has been re-imagined as a virtual, online conference. It is scheduled for 1 June to 5 June 2020 online. The key topic of this years conference is “What has COVID-19 done to our airlines – and what can software vendors, decision support solutions, and consultancies do […]
M2P Speaks About “Impact of the Corona Crisis on the Aviation Asset Class”
The “corona crisis” poses unprecedented challenges for the aviation industry, especially airlines, but also for downstream sectors such as airports, aircraft and engine manufacturers. Airlines have so far suffered from the current turmoil like hardly any other industry, so the measures immediately initiated were drastic and should be the start of a far-reaching and long-lasting […]
M2P at ACI-NA Business of Airports Conference in Portland/Oregon
M2P is attending the ACI-NA Business of Airports Conference this year in Portland, Oregon from June 11-13. The conference hosts airport industry professionals from across the continent who gather to learn best practices and new trends in aeronautical and non-aeronautical revenue. M2P is being represented by Jeffery Oboy (Partner), who will moderate a session on […]