Why Technical Control Centers need to contribute to Smart Airport Operations
Three major factors that require airport operators to constantly examine and optimize their technical departments for operational success and why you should take on these challenges at your technical control center.
Technical Control Centers need to contribute to Smart Airport Operations!
Die Hidden Champions der Beraterbranche 2021
(v.l.n.r.: Christophe Mostert, Lana Jansen, Dominik Villaret, Marina Lützenberger, Dr. Markus Franke) Zum achten Mal kürt Capital die Hidden Champions der Beraterbranche. In insgesamt 20 Spezialgebieten und zehn Branchen werden kleine Unternehmensberatungen kompetenter wahrgenommen als ihre großen Wettbewerber. Das zeigt eine Untersuchung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung (WGMB), die Capital zum achten Mal […]
Effizienzsteigerung und Transparenz durch Digitalisierung des Flughafen – Störungsmanagements
Einleitung Effizientes Störungsmanagement ist eine der Kernaufgaben der Facility-Management-Abteilungen von Flughäfen, um eine hohe Anlagenverfügbarkeit zu gewährleisten und somit die Voraussetzungen für einen reibungslosen Flugbetrieb zu schaffen. Es handelt sich um einen komplexen Prozess, da darin Mitarbeiter aller Airport-Bereiche sowie externe Dienstleister aktiv involviert sind. M2P wurde in diesem Zusammenhang von einem europäischen Großflughafen mit […]
M2P als “Top Consultant 2021” ausgezeichnet
Der Beratervergleich “Top Consultant” hilft Mittelständlern, die passenden Berater zu finden. Ob es um Management, Strategie, um IT-Lösungen, Personal- oder Finanzierungsfragen geht: “Wichtig ist, dass Beratungsunternehmen die speziellen Bedürfnisse ihrer mittelständischen Kunden kennen und darauf eingehen”, sagt Dietmar Fink, Professor für Unternehmensberatung an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Dietmar Fink ist Co-Leiter der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Management […]
2021 Airport Covid Outlook – Three Key Trends that Will Shape a Better Rebuild
2021 Airport Covid Outlook Three key trends that will shape a better rebuild Covid-19 has brought aviation to it’s knees. However, in the early days of the pandemic almost a year ago, we knew much less about the virus’ propagation behavior and potential countermeasures than we do today. In a series of articles, we tried […]
COVID-19: What Comes After the First Thunderclap in Aviation Workforce Management?
What is currently happening to the global aviation industry is unprecedented in every matter. And so are the measures we are seeing. Lufthansa has already grounded about 700 of its 763 aircraft and AirFranceKLM prepares to reduce their available seat kilometers by up to 90%. Meanwhile, Austrian Airlines and Ryanair have announced a complete cease […]
COVID-19: How will Airport Operations be Impacted?
During the COVID-induced shutdown, airports are finding themselves caught between differing, often conflicting information and requirements from their stakeholders – both airlines and travelers, as well as their regulatory authorities. At this stage, ahead of most countries’ case number peak, it is difficult to identify the correct models and scenarios for post-travel-ban market behaviors. At […]
Could COVID-19 Give Biometrics the All-Clear?
Could COVID-19 Give Biometrics the All-Clear? Over the past few uncertain months, aviation leaders have been diligently working to mitigate the risks presented to their employees, passengers, and shareholders by COVID-19. In lieu of definitive and specific long-term guidance from government authorities, leaders have been racing to identify and evaluate the right technology, procedural changes, […]
How does Video Analytics Help Airports to Implement COVID-19 Hygiene Regulations?
Introduction For several month the COVID-19 outbreak has limited public and professional life globally. Air travel and tourism have been especially impacted by a wave of measures designed to prevent the spread of the virus. As the peak is past and the lockdown is being lifted, public life in most European countries is coming back. […]
What’s next for Airports – The Conflict of Turning Down Costs
Introduction The crisis gives Airports a one-time chance to shake off legacy cost – but they face conflicting requirements. Most Airports’ financial situation may not have received similar media attention as airlines in the Covid-19 shutdown, but this does not mean their businesses are not having to undergo significant change. With traffic at many airports […]