Today’s business environment is characterised by an unprecedented rate of sustainable, technological, sociological, and geopolitical change. Unfortunately, most affected are companies within the global transport sector.

Despite these challenging circumstances, global transport companies must secure a stable, sustainable future, often necessitating extensive efforts to successfully shape the visions of future transformation. Based on our many years of experience managing transformation projects, we will support our clients to define, realize, and exceed these visions within planned budget and time.

By employing targeted change management techniques, we will strengthen the willingness and ability of managers and employees to embrace the change – the ultimate key to securing long-term success following the initial implementation.

Nonetheless, challenges are inevitable when implementing transformation during ongoing operation; however, our solutions and concepts are designed to tackle these problems head-on. We involve customers, employees at every level and other relevant stakeholders, to ensure all opinions are heard and no problems go overlooked.


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How to Avoid Project Failures – Risks and Success Factors of IT-Projects

Risks and Success Factors of IT Projects According to a survey conducted by Standish Group, 70% of IT projects fail to deliver satisfactory results from an end-user perspective. Projects either fail completely or cannot deliver results within the time or budget. The risk of project failure increases disproportionally to project size. The direct and indirect […]